
Thank you for being a part of ENGL 265. This course incorporates a unique approach to research. It is structured to deepen the knowledge, skills and experience of creative writers like you.

Reading and research from a writerly perspective requires a keen eye, deep curiosity, and an active imagination. This website was created expressly for you – to help develop those attributes.

The website is divided into two parts. Each contains a variety of material and an online worksheet. You can enter Part I now. Its worksheet is due before the start of class on September 21. Part II will be accessible to you after class on September 21. Its worksheet is due before class on September 23. Each part will take 45 to 60 minutes. It’s best to do each part all in one go.

Please note: this website contains documents that are currently under copyright. These materials are being provided for individual research and private study purposes only. Any reproduction or dissemination requires permission.

And also: documents are presented in two formats. You can either download a pdf OR you can click on a thumbnail of the document and then advance through the pages. If you use the thumbnail approach, at points you may find it necessary to enlarge the document.  This can be done by touchpad; using your thumb and first finger, spread to enlarge, and squeeze together to reduce.

If you encounter difficulties that get in the way of completing the worksheet, please immediately email either Jason Nisenson (jason.nisenson@ucalgary.ca) or Melanie Boyd (maboyd@ucalgary.ca).

Ready? To log in, click the button below and enter your University of Calgary email and password. You will be directed to the dashboard. Please follow the instructions from there.